Wednesday 4 April 2012

Bright and Breezy

I will never learn.  Honestly.  Never.  I have known for many years now that watching films until the early hours of the morning on a worknight is really never a good idea.  Especially if you aren't a morning person.  Please remind me of that next time.  I watched S.W.A.T.  The film was so good the seratonin levels in the old brain there went through the roof.  Imagine your brain full of a sugar rush without the sugar at half two in the morning.  I'm amazed I made it to work at all, and that I don't feel as though I've been dragged through a hedge backwards by my hair.  Ah, it was worth the extreme tiredness.  I think I might need to watch it again, just to be extra sure about it, but you can't really go wrong in a film with lots of car chases, lots of explosions, Samuel L Jackson and a really nasty, mildly unhinged bad guy.  Sigh.  Jeremy Renner.  He's an almost depressingly beautiful man.  And he's scarily good at being bad. 

Where was I? 

Happy Wednesday, everyone.  It may be a bit cold and rather windy outside, but I am full of the joys of spring this morning.  The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the bees are trying to have sex with them (copyright Bart Simpson, but in fairness Chorley is a peculiar place). It's all happening.

I've been sober, probably since Monday, but I've been teetotal since Sunday.  And I still can't think of booze without my blood running a little cold.  I'm still in the 'never again' frame of mind.  Which probably isn't such a bad thing, it'll do me good to knock it on the head for a couple of weeks.  I mean, I'm no Keith Moon or anything - I've always been of the "Yeah, I can take it or leave it, but I don't see why I should leave it!" mindset, and can happily go for a few days or even a couple of weeks without feeling the need to make my liver do a bit of work, but for the first time since I was 18 I'm really of the "No, I'm happy to leave it" mindset.  Sober *and* happy??  I must be ill!!  Beer festivals.  So much fun on the day.  Still highly recommended, though.

So this week I've been trying to do a bit of penance to make up for my mammoth blow-out on Saturday.  There's been minimal Synnage, although I have discovered those little pots of chocolate Philadelphia, which sound minging but are actually really rather lovely.  They're weird.  But it's a good weird.  And if you've been chocolateless for a good few months they're practically magical.  I haven't done too much exercise but fingers crossed I'll have maintained this week.  That's totally all I'm hoping for.  There's no way I'll have lost anything after all that beer.  And cider.  Sheesh!

I really don't have a great deal to report, as my week thus far has basically consisted of work and home, without much room for excitement in between times.  However, please join me again on Friday, when I'll have hopefully managed more than three hours' sleep, I'll know the damage I did to my waistline on Saturday, and hopefully have come up with a plan of action to get myself back on track for the following week!!


  1. I think I might join you on the wagon....who needs wine when you have GaGa.. X

  2. Hope the weigh in went ok tonight/last night for you.
