Monday 25 June 2012

Rainy Days and Mondays...

I'd like to dedicate today's blog title to my cousin Angela in honour of the best karaoke story ever!

I had a really weird dream last night that Adam and I went to see Michael Nesmith but Manchester had been taken over by zombies and we were trapped in a taxi with a zombie taxi driver.  It was scary.  I have no idea where it came from either, I am not a fan of the zombie on any level, and have never watched anything involving said mythical baddie ever in my life.  Except an epsiode of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. called 'The Very Important Zombie Affair' and an episode of Gilligan's Island called 'Voodoo'.  But in each case the zombie situation wasn't particularly threatening, least of all from Professor Roy Hinkley. 

In fairness, I get that sort of 'undead' vibe from Manchester every time I visit the place.

And I have to say, he may unquestionably be very close to the top of my Favourite People in Existence list and he is an artistic, literary and musical Peter Perfect - but Mr Leslie screams like a girl when confronted by a zombie asking him for his taxi fare.  Just sayin'.

Tell you what though, if any zombies even attempt to ruin my night seeing Nesmith, they'll be messing with the wrong girl...

Anyway, where was I?  Ah yes.  Manchester.  *shudder*  Let's get out of there.

I can't say the weekend has been particularly interesting.  The rain was so bad on Friday (as previously documented) that I had to postpone Zara and Nicky coming to visit as Leyland was absolutely flooded, so Saturday went from being potentially the most exciting day of the year so far to being spent doing housework and glaring disapprovingly at the rain every time I looked out the window.

In the end I gave up and watched the Bourne Trilogy.  I do love the Bourne films.  I'm not a fan of Matt Damon, particularly - but I do love the films.  They're all very exciting and there's hardly any dialogue to screw up, but there's loads of Jason Bourne looking all tortured and then going off killing people with biros and stuff - and the car chase in The Bourne Supremacy is possibly the best one in cinematic history.  I can't wait till The Bourne Legacy comes out, it'll be more of the same (hey, if it ain't broke etc!) but with Jeremy Renner AND Edward Norton on the screen at the same time!!  Eeep!!  I'm far more excited about that than the Spider-Man and Batman films put together.  Which sounds terrible coming from a huge fan of both Spider-Man and Batman, but there you go.  Don't get me started on my trepidation for the new Spider-Man film.  There's only one Peter Parker/Spider-Man and that's Tobey Maguire. 

I know, I had a similar feeling about the Edward Norton/Mark Ruffalo/Hulk/Bruce Banner issue, and I was proved completely wrong there - but Spider-Man is my all-time favourite superhero and it genuinely didn't feel like Tobey Maguire ever needed to act that role.  He just was Peter/Spidey.  Say what you like about the Sam Raimi films, but they were all very special to me (especially Spider-Man 2) and it's going to take something spectacular to win me over.  Judging by the reviews so far, I'm not going to build my hopes up.

2012 - it's an interesting year for cinema and no mistake!

I did overdo the Synnage on Friday - but I had spent the entire day being rained on and thought a couple of chuff-off brandies would have a medicinal benefit and stop me catching pneumonia.  So far, so good - I've not even had a sniffle yet.  So there must be something in it...  I've been very good on the diet front since Friday, though.  I've had a will of iron.  I will lose that half-pound this week if it flippin' kills me!!!

I might have some exciting news on Wednesday.  Why don't you join me then and find out?


  1. Looking forward to the exciting news on Wednesday!!

  2. I'm sure it'll pain you to know I really want to go to Manchester. Morrissey and all that. :)
