Wednesday 22 February 2012

Caught in the Middle

Getting my 90s boyband on, there...

Caught in the middle?  Yep - the middle of the week, of course!!  May I take this opportunity to wish one and all a very happy Wednesday.  Only 48 hours to go until the joyous occasion I like to call Firman Friday, so it's all good news.  I'm very much looking forward to the end of the week. 

I had an anxiety dream the night before last that I'd put on 2 1/2 lbs at Fat Club and they kicked me out for not being committed enough.  I don't think that'll happen this week, though.  If anything, I actually feel a little bit thinner - which is always a good sign. Perhaps I've lost a couple of lbs this week.  I hope so, anyway.  I've been so good since Saturday.  And I've exercised more.  That's got to be worth something at least, right?!  And I've changed my breakfasting habits.  I've discovered Ready Brek.  Oooh!!  It's like getting a little cuddle on the inside every morning!!  I love it.  Good job too, really - two boiled eggs and two pieces of fruit every morning was getting way too expensive, and I refuse to buy eggs from caged hens - it's pointless on all levels.  Firstly, the poor hens have traumatic and miserable lives and the people who organise, run and condone the treatment of hens kept in such conditions should be forced to live in similar ones themselves, see how they like it.  Secondly, because the poor hens have such horrible lives, the resulting eggs are horrible and tasteless. 

I like to think of myself as a rather conscientious omnivore.  It's all about fighting the small battles!!

I've made a start on Episode 2 of Diary of a Fat Girl:  The Sitcom (which is now henceforth to be known as Slim Chance.  I did think about naming all of the episodes after lyrics/titles from Slim Chance songs but there are probably way too many copyright issues with that!!).  I'm quite happy with it so far.  I decided it'd be a good slant to have the slimming consultant be male, mostly because there seemed to be far too many women in it.  So I named him Simon, which seems a bit of an odd choice.  I don't think I know anyone called Simon - and if I do, they're obviously so boring I can't remember them.  However, he has quickly evolved into being an absolute tyrant.  If ever this show gets picked up by anyone, I would like to categorically state that slimming consultants are not all quite so mean!  I mean, I don't think anyone would get away with telling someone to not worry about taking a seat because they've been reinforced in real life!!

The competition closes in just under a month. I really need to get my re-writing head on and come up with plans for the next four episodes.  And compose my covering letter.  And write a synopsis.  Gah.  So much to do!!  My poor brain!!

Join me on Friday, when I'll be able to give you a full update on all the gossip from tomorrow's adventures at Fat Club and, I will warn you in advance, look forward with a certain degree of teenybopperish hysteria to an evening with Pete Firman in Blackburn!!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely. exercise should help a lot! Not to say I think you'll lose a whole whole lot, but the normal amount, yes.

    Oh man, I'd love to read your script!

    ...I act like I know a lot but I am currently not on a diet. I watch little things though. I did learn a lot when I was on Jenny Craig though! I think if I did diet again, which I think I eventually will, I will try Weight Watchers.
