Monday, 12 March 2012

Crash! Boom! Bang!

Can't believe it's Monday again.  Can't a girl get a break?!  All I want is just one day off, just one, on my own, to get my little head straight, to get some things done that need doing and to just have a few hours of silence.  God.  Sounds like heaven.  It's all too much.  I need everything to stop for a while so my head stops spinning.  I have a feeling it won't happen until at least Easter, though.  Even then, I have my doubts! 

Saturday was lovely.  I haven't seen my niece and nephews (collectively still termed 'the kids' despite the fact they're all grown up and only a few years younger than I am) all year.  Which is partly due to general bad auntie-dom, but also due to the fact Southport is a hell of a place to navigate into and out of on public transport - and the fact my niece now lives in Bristol.  Which is quite a walk.  Still, getting to spend time with any of them is on my favourite things to do in the whole world list - so spending time with all three of them at once made me ridiculously happy.  It's my Mum and Dad's 50th anniversary at the end of March and the celebrations began on Saturday.   Well.  Technically I think they began last Wednesday when Mum invited some of my cousins over, but this was the first actual party for them, and there will be more celebrations as the month progresses.  I mean, why not?  If you're going to celebrate something so monumental, do it properly!! 

I got really upset yesterday.  I have never known an overweight person get heckled more than I do while minding their own business walking down the street.  Honestly.  It's ridiculous.  I must be some sort of monster.  People must visibly recoil in horror when they look at me and get a little bit sick in their mouths at the sight of the putrid mass that is me.  Honestly.  I was just walking to my pal's house, feeling quite proud of myself for not being knackered at the half-way point, when I saw three kids on the pavement a bit further up the road.  I hate children (I say 'children', they were probably about 17, however, evidently still not old enough to have learned any people skills), as you know, so I thought rather than have to share the same airspace as them, I'd just cross the road.  As I did, this happened:

BOY 1:  Bloody hell, you're fat, aren't you?
ME: [thinking] Ignore him, ignore him, he may be talking to... someone else... even if you are the only other person on the street!
BOY 1:  Erm, excuse me, didn't you hear me?
ME:  [thinking]  Holy hell!  Vile people are getting braver!  I wish I knew more people on this road so I could just call on them and hide till they went away!
BOY 2:  I'm sorry, were you talking to me, I thought you were talking to the fat person who just crossed the road!
ME: [thinking]  If only there was a convenient tall building I could throw myself off at this juncture - it'd be over quickly, I must have one hell of a gravitational pull!!

I mean - goodness only knows what they'd've said if they'd seen me walking down the street at the beginning of January, they'd've probably had a heart attack - as between all three of them they probably only have one heart. 

I know.  I know what you're all saying.  They're idiots - and this is true.  They were only showing off in front of their friends - and this is true too, because one of them was a girl.  I am quite aware that their hostility and attempts to humiliate me in public was merely due to the fact that they likely have to compensate for inadequate-sized, ineffectual genetalia.  And I do derive a smug sense of satisfaction that, if they ever read this blog entry, they wouldn't have a clue what the last sentence meant.  But then you can't help that little voice in the back of your head saying, "They're only saying what everyone else is thinking because they don't know you so they're not worried about offending you."  You'd think, the more it happened, the less it'd hurt, but to be honest, it doesn't hurt any less - if anything, especially after all the hard work I've put in over the last nine weeks, it hurts more.

I'm feeling very wobbly at the moment, I think that's what I'm saying.  I keep having dreams about devouring the contents of a sweet shop and I wake up feeling really bloated and horrible, even though I know I haven't really eaten anything.  I felt a bit of a failure on Thursday night and managed to talk myself round by Friday - but now I feel as though perhaps my initial self-loathing was possibly warranted.  The thing is, I'm really doing my best and I feel like it isn't good enough but I've no idea what else I can possibly do to make it better.  I know I'm a bit grumpy, but by and large I like to think I'm quite a nice person - I definitely wouldn't go out of my way to upset anyone, and I don't understand why complete strangers feel the need to inform me of how large I am when I am clearly already painfully aware of the fact.  Really.  Stop it.  It's fine.  I know.  I'm doing something about it.  It isn't a miracle cure, it's a long, hard slog - so it'll take time, but I'm doing it.  Just... back off and stop heckling me!  I wouldn't mind but they're not even funny like Stadler and Waldorf from The Muppet Show!!

So, all in all, I'm feeling far too Mondayish for my own good today.  Still.  There's only seven hours until I'm on the train on my way home.  Sorry.  Six hours and fifty nine minutes...

Join me again on Wednesday.  The good thing about that will be the fact that as I'm already pretty much at rock bottom today, I can't hit a midweek slump by Wednesday - so with any luck I'll be feeling far more cheerful and positive about everything.  Well.  Perhaps!!


  1. Mondays suck and so do scally kids! I walked with my dog along the canal with my husband and kids on the other side of the water started shouting at us calling me a lemon and throwing rocks at my dog. They must have felt some sense of security being on the other side of the water. Some kids are horrible these days. I have seen so many setting fires, kicking balls at passing cars, cursing, spitting, littering and just causing trouble and that's only in the first year I've lived in England! There is a general disregard for the public and their community and a lot of it has to do with their parents and upbringing. You have more than they'll ever have. They're parents probably are't together and they're probably alcoholics or drug addicts on benefits whereas your parents have been married for 50 years, you have a stable job and a good life. You were right to ignore them because whenever I give into their antics and confront them it never ends well. At least you are losing weight, they will probably never stop being uneducated scally losers.

  2. If it wasn't that, it would be something/someone else. I used to get abuse in the street (as a teenager) for being flat chested, and a few months ago I got called a bitch and a slag outside my front door by some losers driving past. I think what you're doing is brilliant, brave and you are a beautiful, intelligent person. They can only dream of being any of those things. Idiots! xx

  3. You are, and always will be, beautiful, intelligent, loving, kind, brilliant flapjack maker, very funny, very talented and all in all a wonderful human being, and most important of all Roman Numeral No 1!! As my clone, and my beautiful sister, whoever hurts you hurts me but these scum of the earth are not even worth giving anger room to(although I am extremely angry) please don't let anyone make you feel horrible about yourself. There will always be brain dead idiots who can make you feel poo, they don't need a reason they just pick on whatever they can. You know I have had plenty of idiot strangers being horrible to me for opposite reasons, even my own brother! Be thankful you didn't have to grow up with his self-esteem hammering brand of humour. I am incredibly proud of you and nobody thinks those things, we all think you are amazing, cos you are!
    Can't wait to see you next week!!!
    Love you loads

  4. Boo! Guess who just figured out how to leave a comment!
    Hey, don't worry about what any stooopid kids say. I hate teenagers (despite being only just shot of teenager-dom myself!) You know, when I was their age, only a few years ago, we respected adults, kids nowadays just don't have that respect. It's ridiculous! They're all little sh*ts!
    I think what you're doing is amazing and inspiring and you shouldn't pay attention to the likes of them. As you said, they're probably just compensating for their 'inadequate-sized, ineffectual genetalia'!! Sucks for them.
    I've been harassed in the street by kids laughing at my glasses or my dress sense, and it really does drag your whole mood and self esteem down, but you can't let it! Keep your head up, (but don't stop watching the ground or you might trip and give them more to laugh at. Not that I've ever done that, of course!) keep your eyes on the prize, and go for it, girl!

  5. Now I want to punch some little children in their heads... :( That really ticks me off.

    The adult thing for me to say now would be to ignore them and you're doing great. Because YOU ARE!
