Friday 13 January 2012

You're The Best... Around!!

*strikes The Crane pose* Yep, that's right, I feel like Ralph Macchio in The Karate Kid right about now.

I know, I know.  I can't have him.  *curses*

Anyway.  Enough of me waxing on and waxing off (as it were), I suppose you all want to know how I got on last night at Fat Club.

Well, after a week of ploughing my way constantly through potatoes, pasta, fish, veg and more fruit than you can shake a stick at, I was shocked to discover that I had, in fact, actually lost some weight.

5 1/2 lbs of the stuff!

Bring on the dancing llamas!!!  *dons sombrero and shakes maracas*

So did good ol' Dave.  He's still the only boy there but he's really motivated, and was waxing lyrical about the Full English breakfasts and bacon medallions he's been throwing down his neck like nobody's business.  Neither of us can quite comprehend how we're managing to lose so much weight when we're doing nothing but eat!!

I met a girl called Leanne, she's been coming to the club for about six months. She looks like she's probably about a size 14/16 now but apparently she's lost about four stone.  She asked if I was joining because it was January and I just said I was bored of being fat.  She joined for the exact same reason.  We both had a good laugh about plus size fashions (or lack thereof) and had a good chat (expect a David Mitchell's Soapbox Rant style blog about the perils of trying to dress well when you're fat!).  I'm getting more sociable by the week.  Apparently this is good for me.  Meh.  I'm still a grumpy old bag underneath it all!!

It is amazing how much of an inverted snobbery there is around weight loss.  There's another girl called Heather who started last week, and she's of the skinny blonde ilk (not that I have any problems with skinny blondes per se, there are many such women who I hold in the highest of regard and love unendingly - but you know the type I mean!) - and she only lost 3lbs.  I couldn't help but feel a sense of smug satisfaction at that!!  I must admit I felt a little guilty instantly, but then two minutes later, Andrea the Consultant announced that another skinny girl who joined last week had lost 4lbs.  Conversation went thus:

Andrea:  That's really good that you lost so much, you're only little, really!
Girl:  Hah!  You've not seen me in a bikini!

I can happily admit that the instant hatred oozed from everyone.  Bikini!  HAH!!!  Leanne said to me "I wouldn't even dream of trying to fit into one!" and I looked down at myself and said "Chuffin' cheesecakes, give me a break!" and we both fell about laughing. 

Ah.  Slimming World.  A place where 'slim' is craved for and reviled all in the same thought process.  It's my kinda world!! 

Staying for the group is a really good idea.  You get to know everyone a lot better and you see that everyone's struggling just the same for the same end.  There's a great feeling of solidarity and non-freakishness amongst everyone.  And it gives you more impetus to keep going.  I think also, because my group has about 60 in it and the earlier group has about 70 in it, there's a bit of competition going between the two.  Our group lost more weight than the earlier group *muahahaha!*, but they had the biggest weight loss (a girl lost 10lbs in her first week.  She couldn't be Slimmer of the Week though because it was her first week, you can only get it if you've been there for two or more weeks.  The woman who won it had only lost 3lbs!  I bet that stung!!).

So, basically, what I'm saying to you all is this.  If you want to actually lose weight without really thinking about it - join Slimming World.  Honestly.  Trust me on this.  You will eat like you have never eaten before, you'll feel awesome and the weight will fall off you.  All it takes is making the right choices where food and drink is concerned and having the willpower to see it through.  To everyone who has joined, well done, and to my lovely cousin Angela who joined last Thursday as well - congratulations on your first week, too!!  We can DO this!!

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend, whatever you decide to do.  I shall update on the story on Monday, if I've anything to report.  Chances are, though, I won't - so it might be another blog about the ups, downs, ins, outs and shaking it all abouts of changing my figure from a 0 to an 8!!!!


  1. LOLOL Bikini!!!!!!! I think there must be a health warning slapped against me wearing a Bikini. I absolutely love slim blondes I know many and love them all dearly. But in a slimming club making statements like that i'm sorry I would want to slap her.

    Spevvie my darling well done on your loss what a stonking start I am shaking my Maracas along with you. I hope you have a fabulous weekend and know I am filling my face with healthy veg, fruit and trying to work out what a single measure of Baileys looks like. Bravo!!!!!!!

  2. Congrats on the weight loss! I really don't like it when thin people call themselves fat and then when I call myself fat they're like noooooo you look great!! I have a new theory about this. Thin people have problems with their eyes!

  3. I'm shaking my maracca's too - thanks for the mench, I still can't believe I lost 4 1/2 pounds. I've had a massive mushroom, courgette and bacon (all visible fat removed) frittata with a large side salad for lunch today, while I was eating it I thought about making one for you when you come and visit, it was yumtastic and comletely free!!!

    Can't wait to hear the next installment about the writing, I really enjoyed reading the last ones.

    Lots of Love XXXXXXXXXXXXX

  4. Ah Spev my luv, that made me smile :-) Well done on the good start, although I'm not doing Slimming world - really haven't got time due to Joshs swimming regime - this is helping me on my life style change too. Keep up the good work honey. xx

  5. I'v really been enjoying reading about your experiences so far, you've got such a lovely warmth to your writing. I would love to find fabulous vintage gear for you, whatever size you are! Thank you for your lovely comment earlier xx

  6. I'm so happy for you hon!
