Monday 30 January 2012

I Don't Like Mondays

Phewf.  I am no longer grey.  On Friday, much in the style of Amy Winehouse, I went back to black.  Not quite in the style, obviously, but when I invest in some industrial strength hairspray I might consider it.  Anyway.  Apparently my hair is now lovely, sleek and shiny - just like a retriever.  Thanks, Auntie Heath.

Also on Friday night, I made the somewhat foolish decision to watch the live action Thunderbirds film.  Insomnia will make you do some quite peculiar things.  I did watch it once, back in the day, on a dodgy copy that my brother got - but I talked to my nephew the whole way through it so I don't really remember it.  I should have taken note of the alarm bells that rang when there was no mention of the film being based on the work of Gerry Anderson in the opening titles.  It should have been left as a hazy, foggy memory.

I had to pause and rewind several times to try and figure out who was who.  It was about as far removed from Thunderbirds as it was possible to get.  Brains had a 12 year old son - the writers decided to replace Grandma with a mother for Tin-Tin (I think that's who she was, anyway!) - Jeff Tracy went on rescues - Gordon Tracy went into space...  What the actual chuff??!?!!  Someone needs to make a proper Thunderbirds film.  In its defence, Sophia Myles and Ron Cook were spot on as Lady Penelope and Parker.  And the brat who played Alan was so annoying I spent most of the film hoping something terrible would happen to him.  So.  I mean - it could've been worse. Sort of.  No.  Wait.  Vanessa Hudgens was in it.  It definitely couldn't have been worse.

Rather than curing my insomnia, it just made me really annoyed and I spent the rest of the night having imaginary arguments with the idiots who made it.  So, the lesson is - never watch anything remotely controvesial when you're trying to induce a sleepy feeling.

I still think that weekends are probably the least convenient time to attempt to stick to a diet with any degree of success.  This is nothing to do with overeating at the weekend, but more the practicalities of taking time out to eat at all.  I inadvertently skipped lunch altogether on Saturday, and even then only had a couple of pieces of fruit for breakfast.  I had a similar problem yesterday as well.  I don't know why eating is a more complicated event at weekends than it is during the week.  Surely mealtimes are the signposts by which one structures their day, rather than things to fit in around other stuff that might be going on around them.

I did do a lot of walking on Saturday, though.  I went on an adventure to Liverpool with Helena and her dad, The Great Donaldo.  He ditched us at a coffee bar on Albert Dock under the pretence that he was doing us a favour but really we think that he didn't want us to cramp his style while he wandered around the Maritime Museum (probably busting a few hornpipe moves every now and then for maximum effect).  We went to the new Liverpool Museum.  It's really good.  If you get chance to go - do it.  It's really interactive and full of fascinating stuff.  We must've been there a good two hours and didn't really see everything.  Our best bit was the poetry corner where you used all these different word magnets to make up sentences and/or poems.  Helena's best sentence was "Can my armpits think?"  We made up a couple of rude ones about gerbils and hamsters too, but that's another story.  All in all, a fabulous time was had, by me, definitely, but hopefully by all!!  Finally got myself a new calendar as well, it's been a while since I had a Beatles calendar and it's nice to wake up to the Fab Four on the back of your door.  It's definitely an improvement to waking up to the sight of Adam West and Burt Ward looking down at you...!!

So.  It's Monday again and it's back to the grindstone.  I have no plans and no ideas as to what will happen during the week.  I just hope that by the time Thursday comes I will have lost the pound and a half that I put on last week.  Hopefully more but at the very least I want to have lost that!!  There are only three more weigh-ins until I go to see Olly Murs with Jo, and I at least want to be a little bit smaller than I was last time I went to the MEN in December.

Well.  That was my weekend.  Hope yours was equally fab, even if it wasn't F.A.B.!!  Join me again later this week when I'll let you know if my Skip-It has arrived and if I've still got the knack for it!!


  1. I have so far refused to watch the remaked Thunderbirds if it's not Gerry Anderson it's not Thunderbirds. Your review of it has made me even more determined not to watch it.

    Weekends are mixed for me more time to make some yummy food but time spent relaxing when old habits of cookies and chocolate come back to haunt me. If I keep this up I could in time withstand all types of torture.

    Good luck for Thursday hope you see a stonking result. X X

  2. Well now I need to see the Liverpool Museum!
