Friday 13 April 2012

Slimming World Episode VI: Return of the Sausage

Well, it's been an eventful week and no mistake, hasn't it?  Confusion over which day of the week it is since Tuesday, the despair of not getting through to the next stage of the Sitcom competition - fear not, Adam and I are still going to take over the comedy world, we're just debating a different route now, that's all.  Then I saw McFly on Wednesday (and yes, before anyone asks, it really is all about Dougie), which was rather amazing - and last night, of course, was the highlight, as I trotted down the hill to the local Church Hall to attend another group meeting at Slimming World.

I have to say I haven't had the best week on the slimming front.  Not that I've overeaten.  The opposite in fact.  I've inadvertently skipped quite a few meals, which I didn't do on purpose, really - and I know it isn't a good thing to do, but sometimes a human just doesn't get time to eat.  Not over Easter when they only wake up at half nine in the morning, anyway...  Added to that is the fact Mum and Dad are still in France and I've not had use of a car for two weeks, so I've walked everywhere.  Remember that week after I'd lost 5lbs and I walked everywhere and had hardly any Syns but I only lost half a pound??  Well, this week I walked even more and ate less of everything, Syns as well as normal food. 

So, imagine my surprise when I hopped on the scales and discovered I'd lost 2lbs!!

Came back home and told the llamas about it.  Ricardo was very excited - he's a bit blase if I only lose a pound, and quite grumpy if I only lose half a pound - but two pounds is good.  It's healthy and encouraging.  So, they've got a great dance all lined up for today that you'll love.

Hit it, lads!!!

*sigh*  Jitterbugging llamas in sombreros.  It never gets old.

Andrea the Consultant was really pleased with me, I've only got a pound and a half to go before I can have my next shiny sticker and certificate.  We all know that I'm all about the shiny stickers!  Could do with a pretty big loss in the next week or so though, my line graph has set me back to reaching my goal in mid-October again, which is no good.  End of September.  That's the aim.  My dear pal Liz (who is also going to Slimming World on Thursday nights, but she's in London) is renewing her wedding vows on September 29th and we both still have a bit of work to do to get into pretty dresses in time for the big day.  But we'll do it - and that's the main thing.  I've got five and a half months to lose four and a half stone.  It's a big ask but not an impossible one - it still averages out at just over 2 1/2 lbs a week, which we all know is achievable.  I'll get there.  Eventually.  So long as I keep losing it'll be fine.  My worry is that reaching the target I've set won't be quite enough and I'll still have another stone to go.  But I'll worry about that when I get there.  I don't want to be skinny, but at the same time, this is going to be such a big life-changing thing, when I finally get there I don't want to discover I've not quite made it!

Best moment of the night was when I walked into the Church Hall and saw a sign that simply read, "Sausage Man" with an arrow pointing to the left.  Mr Syn Free Sausage has returned!!! 

Didn't get any (didn't get any Cumberland either - *boom boom*!).  Was too busy laughing.  Apparently he'll be coming to the group once a month, flaunting his wares and trying to tempt us with his stuffed peppers and meatballs.  As it were.  He's a champion among slimmers and possibly revered as some sort of deity in certain parts of Oswaldtwistle.

I hope Mr Syn Free Sausage knows how much publicity he's getting on this blog.  Everyone in the world - almost - knows about Ye Olde Sausage Shop in Oswaldtwistle Mill!!  That's right - Diary of a Fat Girl has sent him global!  We should set up some sort of partnership.  I can see it now:

Today's Diary of a Fat Girl was brought to you by Mr Syn Free Sausage, the letters M and Q and the number 14 (13's an unlucky number)...


My plans for the weekend are as yet unmade - and I sort of hope they stay that way.  Mum and Dad are returning to Blighty on Sunday so it will be lovely to see them again, it's been ages.  However, whatever it is that you're up to this weekend, I hope you have a fabulous time - and I'll see you all back here on Monday when I'll be looking forward to the week ahead - and trying to make sense of the next two or three years of my life without my lovely pal Helena... *sniffle*

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Heath! Say hi to your mom and dad for me!
