Friday 20 April 2012

Turned Out Nice Again

So.  It's all been a bit boring this week, as previously documented.  I've still not overeaten.  I still can't really be bothered having any treats.  Nothing exciting has happened. 

I went to Fat Club last night all full of the joys of winter, hunching my shoulders and generally looking and feeling a bit miserable.  I didn't feel any thinner, and Bridget the star slimmer (9lbs last week, two stone in two weeks last month.  The woman's a lean, mean slimming machine.  And she's hilarious!) only lost 1lb.  Things weren't really looking good.  All I wanted was to lose 1 1/2lbs to get me to the 2 1/2 stone mark, but I felt increasingly conscious that it probably wouldn't happen.

So, imagine my confusion, if you will, when I stepped on the scales and discovered I'd lost a whopping FIVE POUNDS!!!

Shocked?  I had to read it six or seven times and then get the lady at the scales to read it for me and to help me out with the maths!!!

Enrique has been up all night working on the llamas' celebratory dance, so without further ado... HIT IT, CHAPS!!!

*dances round the room like a mad eejit, Ted*

So, yes, I got my 2 1/2 stone certificate and (most importantly) shiny sticker.  I'm now 3 1/2 lbs away from my 3 stone certificate and shiny sticker.  However, last night, for the first time, I also got a Slimmer of the Week certificate and shiny sticker, and a huge bag full of free food for the week.  Very exciting.  I don't know if it's standard practice in all Slimming World groups, but in our group everyone takes an item of free food (fruit, veg, a packet of super noodles etc) and puts it into a basket and whoever gets Slimmer of the Week takes home the contents of the basket.  I'm rubbish because I always forget.  I have a terrible memory at the best of times and it's all I can do to remember my book, my member card and my fee!!

I will soon be able to wallpaper my bedroom with my certificates.  In fact, eventually, I might just do that in a sort of 'You've done this and it was hard work but you did it and you are NOT going back!' reminder type capacity.

Andrea the Consultant also had reason to celebrate, as she is now officially the top consultant in the North West, beating the Walton-le-Dale group both by the size of the group and the success rate of the club members.  So a huge round of applause for Andrea.  She's a good egg.  It's her two-year anniversary of starting her own group in three weeks, so we're going to have a party at the group in celebration.  Exciting!!  She asked what I'd done differently this week and I told her it was all my sister's hard work.  Joanna is the world's most amazing cook and she makes the most gorgeous Syn-Free meals every night, and usually enough to take some for lunch the next day.  But the thing that's changed our entire lives has been the investment in a rice-maker.  We've had rice nearly every night, with all sorts of crazy stuff in.  It's been amazing.  She makes this prawn, chilli, ginger and garlic savoury rice dish which I could happily eat for the rest of my life.  Honestly.  She's amazing.  If you haven't had the pleasure of a meal cooked by the big sister - you're really missing out!!

On another note, today is my last day of working in the office upstairs.  My temporary boss bought me a bottle of Midnight Fantasy by Britney Spears (don't laugh.  It's awesome.  It smells like Skittles!  It's no Just Her by Roberto Cavalli, or Black XS for Her by Paco Rabanne, I grant you, but still!!) and a lovely card to say thank you for my help over the last six months, not that I've done a great deal, to be fair, but it was really sweet of them.  And they're taking me to the Clog and Billycock for lunch (hands up anyone who didn't know a billycock was a hat! *raises both hands and a leg*) - which is a Northcote restaurant in the Ribble Valley - and it would be simply rude if I went there and didn't completely obliterate my diet!!!  They fry the chips in dripping!  The steaks are bigger than me!  They do home made ice cream... with cream!!!!  I'm even going to have beer - I think they do Wainwrights there!!

So, today I will be giving myself a long-awaited day off.  I've done pretty well over the last four months and I'm having a proper day off to celebrate.  I'll reign it back in like mad for the rest of the week, and I did start off quite well today with a fruit salad and a few mugs of green tea - but this afternoon it will be a diet-free zone.  I'm so excited!!!

I've got a rather busy weekend ahead with one thing and another, so join me again on Monday when I'll give you a bit of an update on the weekend and look forward, vaguely confidently, to a hopefully successful weigh-in on Thursday!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay congrats! I hope you rewarded yourself well. :)
