Monday 2 April 2012

Brown Sugar!

I think I may have mentioned on Friday that the lovely Helena is moving to Australia in a couple of weeks and had the ingenious idea of a few of us attending a beer and wine festival at the weekend.  It ended up just being Helena, Becky and I - but we were like the Three Musketeers, one for all and all for a grand old time!!

Well, the entrance fee was £8, and for that you got your very own glass and a £5 token to get you started on the slippery slope to forgetting your own name.  So I merrily trotted over to my pals, dished out hugs all round, then scampered off to locate the ideal beverage to start my day off.

There were a few ciders named after Rolling Stones songs, including Brown Sugar and Ruby Tuesday.  There was another one called Cherry Perry, which sounded very innocent indeed - but at 7.9% I must say it did have something of a kick to it.  Ay chihuahua!!  I think I remained in full control of my powers of speech until I'd had my fourth drink (in order to be fair to all the types of booze around there, I had decided to take the slighly controversial and, in hindsight, completely unwise cider-beer-cider-beer...cider-beer [I think, I lost count after a while] approach to my drinking) and then I have a feeling I did need to concentrate a little harder on not slurring.

A beer festival in a museum probably is the best idea ever.  I would never have gone to the Commercial Vehicle Museum ever in a million years, despite it being about a 15 minute walk from the flat.  But you would definitely be surprised at how interesting old vehicles are after a couple of glasses of something exciting and warming.  Did you know they had an old Pope-Mobile in there from the 70s/80s?  Comfiest seats ever.  Seriously.  And who knew that antique fire engines were so comfy?!  Well.  Now you all do.

After a full day's drinking, the only thing to do, it was agreed, was to go to the pub for a cheeky one.  Or two.  I think it might have ended up being three.  Still.  A lovely time was had by all and I decided to walk myself home - which was a little dangerous considering there were a couple of main roads to negotiate - I accomplished with no drama and remained unscathed completely by the experience. 

If I have put any weight on this week after such a huge day off, I only have myself to blame.  Still.  There's some sort of adage about being hung for a sheep rather than a lamb that would probably be useful to quote at this juncture.  If only I could remember it.

Yesterday, I was a little delicate.  Well.  Very delicate.  But pure orange juice is a fabulous, magical hangover cure, and I was absolutely fine by lunchtime.  I was back on the diet with an absolute vengeance.  I'm still back on it - and am definitely being teetotal this week - but I have a feeling I need to do a bit of serious walking to even make a dint in working off all that sugar that must've ploughed through my system on Saturday.  Sheesh!

Well, after a weekend of hell-raising, I think the rest of the week will be a little more sedate.  I have nothing planned, really, except for continuing to count down the days till the Avengers film comes out (25 sleeps to go!) and playing my new Spider-Man board game that my other big sister got for me!!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend too, whatever you got up to.  Join me again on Wednesday, when hopefully every last rotten stinking trace of alcohol will have left my system and I'll be just about back to normal...!!


  1. Sometimes a good dose of alcohol is needed! Glad you had fun. :)

  2. Haha so beer goggles makes the Commercial Vehicle Museum interesting then..!!! I'll take your word for it!!! x
