Friday 27 January 2012

The Blip

So.  As promised in the little blurb at the top of this blog, I will be detailing my ups, downs and plateaus during this weight loss adventure.

This week was a down.  I put on 1 1/2 lbs.

The dancing llamas have packed up their leg-warmers and have little droopy ears under their sombreros.  The maracas are gathering dust.  I am less buoyed than usual (which is funny because I put weight on and therefore must be very buoyant indeed at the moment!  Don't throw me in any water to find out though - I can't swim and I have the feeling that, like the Wicked Witch of the West, I might melt if I come into contact with water.  "Oh, what a world, what a world!").

*sigh*  I didn't even overeat.  I didn't have too many Syns.  I thought I'd been dead good.

I've been told to start a food diary this week.  I have.  But unfortunately I had to buy lunch today and the only thing I could find was a chicken sandwich from Boots that, when I checked it out is actually worth 13 1/2 Syns.  Chuff that for a game of soldiers!!  I'd rather have three Bacardis!!!  So I've got a little packet of fruit and some diet lemonade.  Chuff.

God I'm hungry.  Just wish there was better free snacky stuff than fruit.  If I had any actual cash on me I'd've gone and bought some hot chicken from the shop across the road.  Oh well.  I suppose one hungry day won't kill me.  After all, I'm still eating stuff.  I'll eat more tomorrow. 

Meh.  Forget it.  I've decided to just eat the filling.  I think all the Syns are in the bread and the mayo.  There's definitely nothing Synful about chicken breast, rocket and tomatoes (although I'll probably still count some, just in case!)!! 

There's also the exercise bit that I'm finding trouble with.  I'd go for lovely walks, but I live on the edge of an industrial estate, which frankly isn't the most inspiring place for that type of exercise.  I've just ordered my Skip-It and it should be here within the next week or so.  A good half-hour of that every day and I'll be like a stick in no time!!  Well.  Fair enough, I'll need to build up to it. Still.  It's better than doing nothing, I guess.

So hopefully this time next week I'll have lost weight again.  I've either completely cut out, or cut down massively on things like saturated fat, chocolate, crisps, chips, booze and other yummy stuff.  I've even stopped eating the skin off chicken - which, as everyone knows, is the best bit!!  And I haven't cheated once.  I mean, I really haven't.  I've been really self-disciplined.  So maybe it was just a bit of a glitch this week.  Also, without wanting to be too graphic, I did have to jump up and down quite a lot in the queue due to the complete lack of bathroom facilities.  How I managed not to embarrass myself in front of a room full of people is a miracle.  So, perhaps that didn't help too much either.

I didn't stay to group - mostly because I was about to burst into floods of tears and nobody needs to see a fat girl crying, so I can't tell you how Dave the Bloke or Beth the Legend, or even Barbara of "Having A Bloody Brilliant Week" fame got on, but when I left Dave was deep in conversation with Andrea the Consultant - so either he did really well or really badly.  I'm sure he did well, he was really determined last week.

As if yesterday wasn't traumatic enough, I got a haircut as well.  Now, you must understand that I am terrified of hairdressers.  Terrified.  I mean they're up there with masks and gloves as my biggest phobias.  I do everything in my power to avoid haircuts and I do tend to do very well in my avoidance of them.  I think averaging out at one every eighteen months is quite good going, considering how expensive they are and how much I get cut off each time.  No hairdresser has ever made a profit from me!!  I think my eldest sister is partly to blame for that time she decided to give me "a trim" when I was about 12 and cut my hair from just past my bum to just above my shoulderblades.  My mother takes the rest of the blame for cutting my eyelid one time when she decided to cut my fringe.  She was more hysterical than I was, in fairness.  But still.  Bad memories.  And I hate people messing with my hair, it makes me claustrophobic.  So, all in all, hairdressing salons are not the type of place I would ever willingly frequent.  On reflection it was quite a good cut, however, I have no idea what on earth she was thinking when she styled it, I genuinely looked as though I'd just fallen out of bed.  It was awful.  Luckily it had dropped quite a lot by the time I had to go out in public so I didn't feel too bad.  Now all I need to do is get it dyed tonight and I might start looking like my old self again.  Well.  Like my old self who's just eaten a whole person.  But still, you get the idea.

So getting a haircut and finding out I'd put on weight all in the space of one day didn't, as you can imagine, put me in the best of moods.  Such a shame.  I had a brilliant day on Monday, now I'm a miserable old sod again.  Ah well.  I knew it wouldn't last.

This weekend I am going on an adventure with my lovely pal Helena to Liverpool, best city in the world and home of the best football team in the history of the game.  Also home to Liverpool FC.  Sorry about that, folks.  But to make up for it, we did give the world The Beatles.

Join me on Monday when I will give you the gossip from the weekend and take a look toward the week ahead.  Whatever you're up to over the next couple of days, have a lovely time, take care of yourselves and remember - if you're going to get on a pair of scales, make sure you have an empty bladder first...!!

1 comment:

  1. A food diary is a great idea, makes you feel accountable if you make a mistake.

    The Skip-It is DEFINITELY better than doing nothing. They say you have to find what works for you to do exercise and make it tolerable. I was going to say enjoyable, but is it ever? Hehe, I need to get on that myself, I can walk around here though.

    It sounds like you've made some really great changes, really major, and you should be proud of that. It was probably just a flunk. And, not to be using too much information, but if you have your period and that it can make you go up a pound. At least that's what they've told me.

    I hardly go for a haircut, I wait till I absolutely have to, like it's all shaggy and has no shape. Haircuts are damn expensive!

    Liverpool <333
